Reclaiming the Joy

You are warmly invited to the second of our Celtic Wheel Celebrations here at Ty Mam Mawr. Celebrating Litha or Summer Solstice.

3pm Tues 20th June to 11am Fri 23rd June (True Astronomical alignment dates)

We are so excited to invite you to the second of our Celtic Wheel Celebrations here at Ty Mam Mawr. ‘Reclaiming The Joy’ Summer Solstice Celebration

Never on Earth has there been a time of absolute need, for us to mirror the bright golden sun, shine our own light upon the Earth, remember our birth right and remember why we are here.

  • We are born to be in Joy!
  • We are born to thrive and flourish!
  • We are born to embody absolute satisfaction and fulfilment!
  • We are born to drink from the ever-flowing stream of abundance and prosperity!
  • We are born to be in Love with Life and in love with ourselves and let this love POWER the expansion of the cosmos and the entire universe!

Through our modern day lives and the overwhelming use of technology, we are becoming more disconnected to the planet we live on and her natural cycles, therefore we are disconnected from our own natural bodily cycles. The more we can connect to nature, the more we become in tune with our own inner realm. Therefore, the more we can live in joy and harmony within ourselves, those around us and with the Earth.

Unity within, creates unity without.

Our ancestors celebrated the Joy of life at the time of the Summer Solstice, the height of summer, where the feminine Earth is pregnant with life and the divine masculine sun sits high upon his throne.

Following on from our first gathering at Beltane where we honoured the sacred union of the Earth and Sun, we now give celebration to the life that has been created upon the fertile Earth and deep within ourselves.

Heres what we will create and enjoy together over the course of our 4 day celebration:

  • Solstice Sunrise Meditation
  • Gentle Mindful Movement Meditation
  • Connecting with the Joy Workshop
  • Solstice Fire Ceremony and Ancient Litha ritual
  • Meditation and Drum Journeying
  • Creative Sun Mandala Workshop
  • Sharing Circle
  • Silent Walk and journaling
  • Sound Healing
  • Ecstatic Dance – with live DJ set

Lots of space and time to connect inwardly and to the bountiful land that will surround you.

So, can you feel the energy of change stir within your soul, do you hear that unmistakable call from the Ancestors, nudging you to remember and re- activate the Light that lies dormant within your bones, and if deep in your heart you know that it is now time to RECLAIM THE JOY that you have lost in your life…..let your heart be guided to come and join us on the sacred land, to sit with your tribe, to re-member and celebrate the absolute true joys of being alive!

You hosts for this immersive experience are Nathan and Lynsey, and they are truly excited to co create and harness the energy and magic of the Summer Solstice with you all.

Places are limited to 13 so early booking is essential!

Solstice Blessings,

Nathan & Lynsey

Litha – Summer Solstice

Ritual threshold of mid Summer – Solar Festival – Celebrates the light and the sun without there would be no life – Time of strengths and accomplishments – Gather herbs as “Herb Night” is when they are most potent – Full Blossoming. The Sun At Its Zenith – Shining Powerfully

Element: Fire

Masculine principle is dominant

  • The challenge: To blossom open fully claim our power
  • The invitation: To inhabit our true power and vulnerability in moments of glory
  • The gifts: Rising rooted
  • The wisdom: The vulnerability of full blossoming and shining
  • The movement: Radiating
  • Mythology/ archetypes/ symbols: Áine Sovereign Goddess of the Summer, the sun at his zenith

Why Do This?

It is beyond exciting to announce this powerful collaboration, bridging various conscious communities together & inviting both sisters and brothers to be part of this transformational and powerful healing journey.

Ty Mam Mawr has called us to bring together both women and men to heal with and through one another and the land itself. To explore ways and tools which will rebalance the sacred feminine and masculine energies, both within us and in the outer world.

Right now on Earth, we live in a disembodied world, with distorted societal pressures leading us astray into the push of the shadow masculine, teaching us to force, keep going, abandon the Earth and our wild cyclic nature. The Earth and the stars have never been so loud in their call to bring us home to remember how to live in right relationship with the land, with ourselves and with each other.

  • What if we lived in a world where the feminine and masculine in both women and men was tended to and nurtured?
  • What if we all used nature as our compass and returned to a way of being that didn’t lead us astray and into disconnection?
  • What if we truly acknowledged and valued the naturally powerful transformational cycle of life, death and rebirth?
  • What if we gave back to the Earth in the same way that she gives us life, breath and nourishment?

This is a very powerful time of change, and we believe wholeheartedly that it is up to us to step up. To stand up for ourselves, each other and the Earth. To live and lead by example.

This offering has been a clear and concise message from the land itself at Ty Mam Mawr and we have committed to listen and do our part to help shape a new way.

The Retreats

Each 3-4 day retreat will be held by a minimum of 2 hosts, male and female, representing both energies.

Every retreat will be different but there will be a common theme of co-creation. The hosts will work together with you the participants to organically create an experience most aligned and beneficial for all. Together we will weave into each retreat aspects of the Celtic Wheel festival we are celebrating.

Various practices, workshops, ceremonies and circles will be offered that reconnect you to yourself, to the land, to our ancestors & to the Divine.

As well as leaving plenty of time in between offerings to enjoy the stunning surroundings of Ty Mam Mawr and the peace and healing that they provide.

Things we might explore together….

  • Calling home the Witch and the Wizard
  • Connecting and reconnecting to nature by BEING in it
  • Healing the land
  • Deepening our relationship to both the Earth and Solar cycles
  • Sacred pilgrimages & walking the land
  • Foraging and self reliance
  • Rebalancing the sacred masculine & sacred feminine energies
  • Reconnecting to our cyclic nature
  • Creating harmony and alignment through ancient Earth wisdom
  • Remembering our ancestors and the ways of the ancients
  • Developing a mindful approach to the Earth Mother and ways to live more sustainably

Accommodation and Food

Accommodation for up to 13 participants is provided on a shared basic in the two yurts and the roundhouse. 

There are two double beds in the smaller yurt, a King and 6 singles in the larger yurt and 4 singles in the roundhouse.

Vegan food will be provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For more information, please click here

Price and Booking

There are three different payment levels available. 

Standard – £350
Pay it Forwards – £450 
Supported – £250

Hopefully those who can afford it will pay more and enable those that don’t have as much abundance in their lives currently to come along too.

Payment can be made in full or by paying a £100 non-refundable deposit and the balance no less than 7 days before the event is due to start. Failure to pay the balance by the due date will result in your ticket being cancelled and your deposit will be forfeit.